About Me

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Well about me... I am very simple girl. I am taking Tx Gov't because its kind of required. I don't know about political ideology. Political stuff is pretty confusing to me. Never got it in high school either(I just graduated). I've never voted. I just turned 18 so maybe soon. By taking this class I hope I'll understand Tx Gov't better.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Understanding Texas Government

I don't know if this would count as blog stage seven, but this is what I am going to write about. Being in a Texas Government class you would think I would understand Texas Government by now. Wrong. It is just too much to cover in just a few short weeks. I don't think I will ever clearly understand Texas Government, but it doesn't mean I am not trying. I am glad that Texas requires students to take a course like this because people, like me, that are clueless get at least some knowledge out of this course. Knowing Texas government is very important if you are going to live in Texas. This course maybe a really confusing one, but I enjoy learning things about the state I live in.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Commenting on schools?

I agree with my classmate "How our government changes our perspective" topic. I just graduated from high school last year and for me it still feels like it affects me even thought I'm already in college. A lot of children in Texas depend on programs to help them get their education. Children should be all treat equally and deserve only the best when it comes to getting their education. For some children their education is all they really have and it helps the child be inspired to keep going.

(Yeah I really don't know if this is how I was suppose to do this) HAHA

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Why is it so hard to fill out the Census? Are people afraid of it? It's just a form sitting there on the table longing to be filled out and sent back. I understand that many homes all around America may hold illegal immagrants, but it doesn't mean the form can't be filled out. What I don't understand is if you aren't hiding anything, why aren't many more people filling the census form? Is out of pure laziness? The consequences is damaging, especially in an area like ours that is struggling.

Now, The Census Bereauare sending out the census for a second time to places that had a low turn out when the census can around the first time. People have been trying to push the residents of the Austin area to fill it out because it really does effect the community. The money that we could be receiving for schools, roads, and etc. won't be given to Austin because of the very inaccurate information from the census. Then the people who didn't fill out the census become furious because of how bad the community is doing.

People that have filled out the first census form don't need to fill it out a second time if they receive it. To the people who receive it a second time here's the chance to fill it out and do a good deed!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I found this article on Long Star Times which was linked
to Investors. This article is about one’s opinion on Obama Care and how it will take away people’s freedom. So David Hogberg wrote twenty ways on how the Obama Care is doing this. A couple of ways that Hogberg felt like we were losing our freedom are people will pay for health care for other people that don‘t even take care of themselves, and another one is an employer has to give health insurance for a parent’s child until they are 26, but by that age they are consider an adult already. Hogberg knows that it is trying to help people, but there are downfalls and people will suffer from it.
The intend audience for this article is anybody that isn’t aware of what the Obama Care will do in the country that they live in. I don’t know if he is really good for creditability, but it seems like he knows what he is talking about. The claim is that people will lose freedoms with the Obama Care. His evidence is the explanation on what will happen with people who are effected by it. I think it is pretty logic because if one thing happens another thing will happen. I agree on some of he points he made and disagreed on some also.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Metal detector..

This article is from the Austin Statesmen. This happen about a month ago, but it is an important topic. This article is about some one's opinion on what actions should be done about the conflict that occurred at the State Capital. Someone brought a gun to the State Capital, and ended up shooting outside the Capital. This person believes that too many people have guns now. This person thinks there should be metal detectors at the State Capital so they can tell who has a gun on them. But this will start problems with people who do have license to have the gun. The people who do have a gun have the right to have it on themselves. The people are protecting themselves and by saying they can't have their gun, they are taking their right.

The intended audience for people who want something done about the gun incidence, and agree with what should be done. The person with the opinion to have a metal detector in the State Capital, but should've gone into more detail. The author should suggest to put up a metal detector, but who ever has a gun on them should represent their license. The author was trying to talk about not making it like the airport in Dallas, but something needs to be done.

(I really don't know if this is how its suppose to be writen) hehe

Monday, February 15, 2010

Gay Divorce in Travis County

This article was from KXAN Austin News. Travis County has granted a divorce to a gay marriage even though they do not allow gay marriages. Attorney General Greg Abbott isn't for the decision and filed a petition on the case saying that Texas does not allow gay marriages so it does not agree on same-sex divorce. The Attorney General also says the state needs to defend the Texas Constitution. In the constitution, marriage is a union between one man and one woman. To conclude Abbot suggest a voidance to the marriage. Angelique Naylor who filed the case wanted a divorce because the voidance may still say she is married in other countries.

I think this article is worth reading because this effected our State. Gay marriages are soaring. More and more gay couples will be getting married and just like opposite sex marriages they will have problems also. The state will have to take more actions or even CHANGES on dealing with these cases as time goes on.