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Well about me... I am very simple girl. I am taking Tx Gov't because its kind of required. I don't know about political ideology. Political stuff is pretty confusing to me. Never got it in high school either(I just graduated). I've never voted. I just turned 18 so maybe soon. By taking this class I hope I'll understand Tx Gov't better.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I found this article on Long Star Times which was linked
to Investors. This article is about one’s opinion on Obama Care and how it will take away people’s freedom. So David Hogberg wrote twenty ways on how the Obama Care is doing this. A couple of ways that Hogberg felt like we were losing our freedom are people will pay for health care for other people that don‘t even take care of themselves, and another one is an employer has to give health insurance for a parent’s child until they are 26, but by that age they are consider an adult already. Hogberg knows that it is trying to help people, but there are downfalls and people will suffer from it.
The intend audience for this article is anybody that isn’t aware of what the Obama Care will do in the country that they live in. I don’t know if he is really good for creditability, but it seems like he knows what he is talking about. The claim is that people will lose freedoms with the Obama Care. His evidence is the explanation on what will happen with people who are effected by it. I think it is pretty logic because if one thing happens another thing will happen. I agree on some of he points he made and disagreed on some also.

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